For our client, Arysta LifeScience an international corporation - one of the leaders in the field of agrochemicals in the world and the fastest growing company in the industry in Poland we are looking for a person to work in the following position:
Central East Europe Development Coordinator
(Nr ref.114)
co-ordinate registration trials with active discussion on obtained results to build strong technical basis for each newly created product
co-ordinate a regional development program and manage it within an allocated budget
regularly liaise with country development managers and regulatory teams to steer the development program by giving technical guidance and instructions
understand the CEE and CIS country specific biological dossier requirements
be the technical expert for a group of pesticides
understand the biological performance (pests, weeds, diseases control), mode of action, selectivity/crop safety, crop in which the product can be used
Experience / Qualifications:
university education related to plant protection, agronomy, horticulture, agriculture, biology
strong knowledge of the technical plant protection
general knowledge of the market and regulatory process in Europe
minimum 5 years’ experience in product development in Crop Protection industry including field trial contractor companies
expert in ARM Software
Fluent in English (written and oral), Russian speaking ability is highly welcome
ability to frequent travels
result orientated and creative
Our Client offers:
attractive salary and all working tools
opportunity to work in international environment with high quality product
independence and interesting challenges
Diamond Recruitment Bożena Włodarczyk - agencja doradztwa personalnego, nr licencji 8689.
Osoby zainteresowane powyższym stanowiskiem oraz spełniające wymagania prosimy o przesłanie CV na adres mailowy: Prosimy o dopisanie numeru referencyjnego w temacie e-maila.
Prosimy o dopisanie następującej klauzuli: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych dla realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o Ochronie Danych Osobowych Dz. U. Nr 133 poz. 883)”.
Uprzejmie informujemy, że skontaktujemy się tylko z wybranymi kandydatami.
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Hodowla i Rybołóstwo
4 Prezes Fundacji Wsparcia Rolnika POLSKA ZIEMIA Szczepan Wójcik o wyzywaniach Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej
5 Zakaz hodowli zwierząt futerkowych w Polsce? Ucierpią ludzie i gospodarka
Hodowla i Rybołóstwo